Vitamin D Deficiency & Lung Function Link
A study published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, provides evidence of a direct correlation between vitamin D and decreased lung function.
The study claims that low levels of the vitamin can lead to reduced lung function and an increased likelihood of disease – a pattern that has long been suspected, but which had little to no research, so far, to back it up.
This study pointed out that previous research had already discovered a link between a decreased levels of vitamin D in mothers and offspring wheeze, lower levels of Vitamin D and increased asthma severity, and levels of serum vitamin D and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, suggesting that the lack of this vitamin results in wider lung health issues.
The results of the study discovered that airway resistance was notably higher in those mice who were deficient in vitamin D, whilst their lung volume was much lower. What these functional and structural abnormalities did was provide a definitive link between vitamin D deficiency and obstructive lung disease – something scientists have long struggled to establish.
Clearly demonstrating that lower levels of the vitamin adversely affect lung function, it is thus believed that this could have important implications with regards to the future prevention of lung disease among the human population.
It is our aim to understand how nutrition can positively impact our long term health and wellbeing, and with this in mind, the study confirms just how important vitamin D could be in supporting optimal respiratory function.
The active form of the vitamin, known as1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D, is essential in immune regulation and its deficiency is linked to both autoimmune and cardiovascular illnesses.
Curaetd’s vitamin D3 comes with K2. Taking Vitamins D and K together strengthens their respective effects and can also minimise the risk of supplementing with Vitamin D alone. Vitamin K helps guide vitamin D into the bones and may reduce harmful calcium deposits in arteries, kidneys, and soft tissue.